Monday, December 5, 2011

Witness Lab

This lab was used to see how good of witnesses we would make, by testing our memory. We had to cut faces from a magazine in our groups. Then we cut apart each facial feature (eyes, nose, lips, etc) and recreated new faces. We then showed the new faces to our neighbor and they had to try to remember it. We would then mix up all of the features, and the person who tried to remember the faces had to recreate the image from memory. Because there were not many facial features to choose one, it was fairly easy to recreate the faces. Everyone in our group got the faces right, the first time. I suppose that means we would be good witnesses.

This is what my face I made looked like:

Footprint Lab

In this lab we took a tub of dirt and stepped in it, leaving footprints. We then analyzed each footprint, and took information down such as the weather, the moisture in the soil, the time, the wind, and the appearance of the footprint.
We first prepared the soil to be stepped in.

This is one of my group members feet. We measured the length, the depth, the depth and examined the texture at the bottom. We noticed in our group the boy was the only one with noticeable treads. We also noticed that in our footprints the toe part faded up and wasnt as deep, making the shoe seem shorter then it was.
Each of our feet were different, but we felt that using footprints as main identifiers would be hard to do because of how easily they get messed up, and how many of our shoes didnt have any distinguishing features.

Create a Profile Lab

We thought the hair sample was from an African American women, and the second one was cat hair. We also matched  the smear to a lipstick, furthering the evidence that it was a women. The fingerprints could not help us, because we didnt have anything to match them to, as with the handwriting. Although we did end up identifying the handwriting as Mr. Kellys, because of the loopy letters, and the way the i's were dotted to the side.

In class, each group was given five different clues to be analyzed to recreate a crime scene, using a microscope and magnifying glass. This is a small scale of the crime scene we did later in class.
We first analyzed the clues, which were fingerprints, a hair sample, a second hair sample, a note that read "you will never find her" and a possible bloodstain/lip print.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Poison Lab

What is poison?
Poisons are substances that cause a disturbance to organisms, most frequently through chemical reactions. Poisons are typically harmful, and cause damage or death to an organism.
Poisoning can result from many things, bites, plants, allergens, overdose of medicine, iodine, lead, food poisoning, etc.
Symptoms of poisoning include: dilated pupils, drooling, bleeding from orifices, change in skin color, increase in breathing and heart rate, nausea, diarrhea, fatigue, and headaches.

In our lab in school, we tested multiple unknown samples to see if they contained poison. We had different reagents and instructions, telling us what happens if they are a poison and how they would react.

Station One: Metals
1. Lead - Because it turned blood red when mixed with KSCN
2. Iron - Because it turned neon yellow when mixed with Potassium Iodide
3. Negative

Station Two: Sugars
All three were negative, none turned purple.

Station Three: Ammonia (pH greater then 7, strong odor and PHTH is purple/pink)
1. Postive odor, positive pH of 11, PHTH is purple/pink
2. Negative odor, positive pH of 8.5, PHTH is not purple/pink
3. Negative odor, positive pH of 8.5, PHTH is not purple/pink

Station Four: Aspirin (pH less than 7, BTB is yellow)
1. Positive pH of 5, BTB is not yellow
2. Positive pH of 6, BTB is not yellow
3. Positive pH of 2, BTB is yellow

Station Five: Cyanide (red with FE+3)
1. Does not turn red
2. Does not turn red
3. Did turn red

Station Six: Iodine (Blue with Starch)
1. Does not turn blue
2. Does not turn blue
3. Did turn blue

**Pictures from Erika Brigantti

Drug Lab

Dissolving Drugs
Testing Drugs
In this lab, we tested for three different drugs: cocaine, methamphetamine and LSD. We tested unknown solutions to see if they were any of these drugs. We tested six possibilities where the cocaine reagent turned it blue, and LSD turned it yellow. Mr. Kelly couldnt obtain false meth, so we only tested two things. The second and fourth testers were cocaine, and the sixth was LSD. We assumed that the rest were meth through process of elimination. Before the tests could be completed, we had to dissolve the drugs in water. This is a image of this process. We also used pH to find what drugs were what.

This shows the reaction in the fourth lab. (Photo from Reina Terada). Here the cocaine reagent turned blue, proving it was cocaine. The LSD reagent turned red, instead of yellow so it was negative. We also knew it was negative because of the pH of 8.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Crime Scene Investigation
Scene 2 (Nightclub)

1.      Clues (Exhibit 1-11)
2.      Magnifying Glass
3.      Carbon Powder
4.      Microscope
5.      Poison Testers
6.      Drug Testers

1.       Analyze the exhibits, and test them as necessary
2.       Match the suspects with each exhibit
3.       Put together the clues to create a story detailing what happened at the crime scene using all of the exhibits.

This are ten different suspects that they could possibly be, and we eliminated all of them except for Ginger Snap and Candi Stores through blood types. We used each exhibit to find the correct suspects and the meaning behind the clues.

Exh. 1:             Picture of a Redhead Women with slit in throat, blood on throat, laying on a car
Exh. 2:             Blood Sample is O-, possible suspects Ginger Snap or Candi Stores
Exh. 3A:          Fingerprint with Tented Arch Pattern, Matches with Candi Stores
Exh. 4/5:          Mixed Drink with possible poison, pH of 8
                        No poison found, no drugs found
                        Dark Red Lipstick (Matches with Candi Stores)
Exh. 6:             Piece of Cotton found on Ginger Snap and identified to be from Bunny Outfit owned by Candi Stores
Exh. 7:             Note in Ginger Snaps Handwriting “Please Help Me”

Exh. 7A:          Note in Candi Stores Handwriting "I Needed the Money"
Exh. 8:             Piece of Black Wool, Matches Ginger Snaps Shirt, found on Candi Stores Shirt
Exh. 9:             Gold Necklace found in Ginger Snaps dead hand, identified to be from Candi Stores
Exh. 10:           Fingerprint with Central Pocket Loop Pattern, Matches with Ginger Snap
Exh. 11:           Ulnar Loop Fingerprint, not identified with anyone from crime scene (Misc)

Candi Stores killed Ginger Snap for money, as evidenced by her note saying “I needed Money”. This note was written after she killed Ginger Snap, in her haste to escape to her friend. An eyewitness revealed the note also depicted where she escaped to, and told her friend where to find her, although the rest of the note could not be found. The murder happened after Candi Stores finished a show, dressed in a bunny costume. She then waited around the bar for her once friend Ginger Snap to get off of work, so she could try to convince her to give her the key to her safe. As she waited she drank her signature blue drink, and left her lipstick on the glass, showing that it was her that was the last one in the bar, besides Ginger Snap. When Ginger Snap went to close the bar she quickly wrote a note, hoping that someone would see it the next day at work, asking for help, as Candi made her motives known. Ginger didn’t realize that it would be her last day. As Ginger tried to sneak out the door, Candi confronted her. Ginger refused to hand over any money, and tried to run to her car. There they began to fight, Candi ripped some of her shirt, and Ginger ripped of Candi’s precious gold necklace (it was her Grandmas). This caused Candi to become infuriated, and she quickly pulled a knife from her bag and cut Gingers throat. Then she quickly wrote the note to her friend, and fled the scene. She has yet to be found.